Need Help To Start A New Project In .net


May 15, 2009
Hello Friends,

Now i have some interesting topic to start.
The need of the project is.

Have some datas which used to create a new word document using dot net.
ie) when some one entered the required datas in front end, it must saved in database(SQL) then it will produce a new document in microsoft word or pdf.
for example see the image please.

* how can i design the result document which needed in microsoft word or pdf format.
I think crystal report is needed.

Please help me to start..

Thanks in advance.


* how can i design the result document which needed in microsoft word or pdf format.
I think crystal report is needed.

For generating Word documents you can use Office Interop.

Include the following references in your .NET project:
- Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
- Office

These enable Office objects like Word.Application and Word.Document.

From there you can choose to insert shapes, text etc. or load a template and replace certain fields.

such as shown here

~ DP
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