Need help on SpotLight Effect


Sep 21, 2004
Dear All

I need help on how to draw a spotlight effect in MDX either VB.NET or C#.

Why MDX consumed lots of memory spaces? My application consumed approximately 60MB of memory. It has D3D, DSOUND, DPLAY. But this is a 2D application. Anyway to shrink this down?

That's odd that its taking up so much space.. are you using a lot of bitmaps? Try using a more compressed jpg.

The DirectX SDK has more information on spotlights I beleive :),
-The Pentium GUy
ThePentiumGuy said:
That's odd that its taking up so much space.. are you using a lot of bitmaps? Try using a more compressed jpg.

The DirectX SDK has more information on spotlights I beleive :),
-The Pentium GUy

Indeed, my 2D game consumed lots of memory. All my graphics are about 1.7 MB and my sound effects are 1.5 MB. My game connect to Access DB as well. Currently, it takes 55 MB when running with Debug mode, 45 - 49 MB when running in no debug mode. Do you have any recommendation to shrink it down? I'm running a 3d games with lots of features but it takes only 8 MB to 23 MB. It's so wonderful.

Well, I couldn't find the spotlight sample. I want to spotlight my area, where the character of the game was caught.
