Need help before computer goes flying...


Junior Contributor
Nov 9, 2004
Hi all, I need some help desperately as I have been spending ages looking around to find the best control to do what I want and code examples.

What I want to be able to do is display a list with two columns columns 1 will say have directory, combobox, edit text, datetimepicker and then in the second column I need the controls to display i.e. on the directory row I would need a button that would open a directory list form.

The data to populate this list will be hardcoded in (e.g. not from db table, and no extra rows would need to be added by the user). The problem is that I don't know 1) which would be the best control for this??? 2) how to write this in which ever control you guys/girls think would be best.

Please help as this is driving me up the wall for something that I thought would be easy and quick it's taken up so much of my time.


lidds said:
What I want to be able to do is display a list with two columns columns 1 will say have directory, combobox, edit text, datetimepicker and then in the second column I need the controls to display i.e. on the directory row I would need a button that would open a directory list form.

Sorry, You have to be more explicit if you want your chances of being helped be at least "decent"...

You want two display 2 columns... The first column should display a directory? Combobox? Edit Text? DateTimePicker? The second column will show the directory row? And you need a button do open the directory list form?!?

My advice to you is to rewrite your entire post trying to be much more explicit and detailed... Plus, I think that you should ask for someone skilled enough to help you out with your english. As I realise that your english is not that fluent...