Need direction with DirectSound DX 9


Jul 8, 2003
Hi everybody, I’m new to this forum, DirectX and .Net as well and I’m hoping to find some help.

I have a little program written in VB.Net that works, except for the sound. The Win API “PlaySound” is not doing the job. I need to play 2 to 3 short wave files consecutively. I decided to try my hand at DX and I downloaded the DirectX 9 SDK for Visual Basic .Net. Unfortunately the only help file that came with it is for C++. I checked out and took a look at their only DX 9 tutorial. As it turns out, it’s only covers graphics, not audio. I wonder how much different DX 9 with VB.Net would look compared to DX 8 with VB 6.

Does anyone have any suggestions or maybe an example that could help?

Much appreciated.
I suggest looking into AudioVideoPlayback namespace from DirectX, it contains a class named Audio for playing sound. It plays all kinds of sound files. Easy to use :). Of course other DX sound apis are better but this is simple and fast to use. :)
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