
  • Thread starter Thread starter makai
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After some thought it occurs to me that Namespace is mostly a tool alow group programmers to have same class and module names in a project

the only use I can think of is if I have more than one class in a file - then I can wrap them in one namespace and include them all with one Imports line

but basically I don't think I will need it ...
When you build a class library the name you give it is pretty much your namespace. A namespace is nothing more then a set of related classes in the same folder, and an assembly is nothing more then a set of related namespaces.

If you are referring to creating namespaces through code.. well.. I don't see much use for that either, but that's just me. In the real world where people tackle huge projects in teams there might be.

When it comes down to it, namespaces are just there to help organize classes. :) Unless there's some hidden meaning behind them that I'm not aware of.. :eek: