My unicode problem, please help..


Mar 1, 2004
I am writing my program using VB.Net and Microsoft Access Databases under Windows XP.

My program is to display chinese charaters from Access and suppose it is in Unicode format since I am doing it in Windows Xp and by using IME. (The data are all stored before deployment. In other word, data was pre-entered). My program is used for viewing purposes only.

For deployment, it works perfectly under Windows XP. But, things are out of control when I install the system into Windows 98/ME. Some of the chinese characters are not able to be viewed. Why I said "some"? Because the Chinese Characters can be view in ListBox, TextBox, Messagebox, and ComboBox. But, it doesn't able to be viewed with Label, Button and some other controls.

Primary question:
So, hope you can get a better picture of my problem. What I want to know is on how to make the Labels, Buttons to view those chinese characters.

Supplementary question:
Why textbox, Listbox can view, but, Label Button cannot view?
The Windows 9x product line has limited support for unicode strings both at the API level and in parts of the use interface. If your users really need to work with unicode then they will be much better off using an NT based OS (NT, Win2k, XP or Win2k3) where unicode is supported throughout.
Failing that you will just have to cheat and avoid using labels - try and use a textbox or similar instead.
Problem is windows 95 / 98 is now a fairly old OS - 98 is getting on for 6 / 7 years old and mainstream support has been dropped for both (see here) so a patch to provide additional functionality is unlikely - MS have always suggested going the NT route for Unicode due to the 9x lines poor / non-existant support for unicode.

The is a sort of patch here but not a clue how this would work in relation to .Net.