I am trying to create a throughput test. I have two data radios that I need to test at 115200 Baud and need to make sure the data arrives at better then 140000 Baud over a 3 second burst of random byte data. I am creating a randomized array size of Baud Rate * 3seconds, and then measuring the time it takes to get the data back, In addition I compare the data sent to the data received to check for errors.
My current solution takes ~38 seconds to run, so I think part of the bottle neck is currently code based. I used a multithread transmit and receive solution. Where I transmit all of the data in one thread via one com port and then listen on another thread in another com port for the data. Both the TX and RX ports are set to 115200.
Following is the class I use to setup and run the whole thing. What I need to know is can I make this work somehow. Or do I need to scrap this and find another solution. The com ports are USB serial port emulators, which might also be contributing to the problem. I also thought it might be better to write this as a library in C++ for better speed. I have a meeting with the hardware engineers to confirm if the baud rate spec is Bytes or Bits, but since baud rate is typically in symbols per second I think it is bytes. All of the data transmitted between radios is FM modulated ascii.
Thanks as always
P.S. Keep in mind this is a rough prototype, but I was surprised at how slow it was, so did not want to put more effort into it if not necessary.
My current solution takes ~38 seconds to run, so I think part of the bottle neck is currently code based. I used a multithread transmit and receive solution. Where I transmit all of the data in one thread via one com port and then listen on another thread in another com port for the data. Both the TX and RX ports are set to 115200.
Following is the class I use to setup and run the whole thing. What I need to know is can I make this work somehow. Or do I need to scrap this and find another solution. The com ports are USB serial port emulators, which might also be contributing to the problem. I also thought it might be better to write this as a library in C++ for better speed. I have a meeting with the hardware engineers to confirm if the baud rate spec is Bytes or Bits, but since baud rate is typically in symbols per second I think it is bytes. All of the data transmitted between radios is FM modulated ascii.
Thanks as always
P.S. Keep in mind this is a rough prototype, but I was surprised at how slow it was, so did not want to put more effort into it if not necessary.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;
using mts_ErrorConstant;
using mts_RandomNumberGen;
using mts_Utilities;
namespace mts_DataTest
class DataTest
#region Variables
private SerialPort txPort;
private SerialPort rxPort;
private byte[] txBuffer = new byte[1];
private byte[] rxBuffer = new byte[1];
private int baudRate = 0;
private int secsToTX = 0;
private int bytesToTransmit = 0;
private int dataErrors = -1;
private DateTime txStart = DateTime.Now;
private DateTime rxStop = DateTime.Now;
private double transitTime = -1; // transit time in seconds
#region Properties
//read write properties
public SerialPort TransmitPort
get { return txPort; }
set { txPort = value; }
public SerialPort ReceivePort
get { return rxPort; }
set { rxPort = value; }
public byte[] TransmitBuffer
get { return txBuffer; }
set { txBuffer = value; }
public byte[] ReceiveBuffer
get { return rxBuffer; }
set { rxBuffer = value; }
public int BaudRate
get { return baudRate; }
set { baudRate = value; }
public int SecondsToTX
get { return secsToTX; }
set { secsToTX = value; }
//read only properties
public int BytesToTransmit
{// read only
get { return bytesToTransmit; }
//set { bytesToTransmit = value; }
public int DataErrors
get { return dataErrors; }
//set { dataErrors = value; }
public double TransitTime
get { return transitTime; }
//set { transitTime = value; }
public DataTest()
{// TODO fill this in
public DataTest(SerialPort TransmitSerialPort, SerialPort ReceiveSerialPort, int BaudRateToTest, int SecondsToTransmit)
TransmitPort = TransmitSerialPort;
ReceivePort = ReceiveSerialPort;
BaudRate = BaudRateToTest;
SecondsToTX = SecondsToTransmit;
bytesToTransmit = BaudRate * SecondsToTX;
TransmitBuffer = new byte[BytesToTransmit];
ReceiveBuffer = new byte[BytesToTransmit];
public void FillTXBuffer()
{ // Fill up the transmit buffer with random data
RandomNumberGen RandomNum = new RandomNumberGen();
public Int32 DataThroughPutTest(ref int NumberOfErrors, ref double TransitTimeInSeconds)
Thread txThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TransmitByteData_Threaded));
Thread rxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveByteData_Threaded));
while (rxThread.IsAlive == true)
{ // add time out code here
TimeSpan transTime = rxStop.Subtract(txStart);
transitTime = transTime.TotalSeconds;
return ErrorConstant.ERROR_GEN_PASS;
//Data Test MultiThread Functions
private void TransmitByteData_Threaded()
//start the timer
txStart = DateTime.Now;
//transmit all data
txPort.Write(txBuffer, 0, bytesToTransmit);
private void ReceiveByteData_Threaded()
string data = "";
Int32 loopCount = 0;
// minimize what we do here for speed
while (data.Length < bytesToTransmit && loopCount < 1000000)
{ // TODO time this instead of a blanket 1mil loop time out
data += rxPort.ReadExisting();
rxStop = DateTime.Now;
// proccess the data into an array
for (int x = 0; x < data.Length; x++)
rxBuffer[x] = Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToChar(data.Substring(x, 1)));