Multiple forms

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All right, I have two forms in a VB .NET project. The first form (form1) is the main menu. When a utton is clicked it opens another form. On the other form I am capturing data that was placed in text boxes into an array. Now how do I access that array in the first form??? This is the code for what I got so far:

*button click on main form*
Private Sub btnInput_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInput.Click
Dim x As New input()
End Sub

*loading the array*
Private Sub btnFinish_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnFinish.Click
Dim buffer(11) As Long
buffer(0) = box1.Text
buffer(1) = box2.Text
buffer(2) = box3.Text
buffer(3) = box4.Text
buffer(4) = box5.Text
buffer(5) = box6.Text
buffer(6) = box7.Text
buffer(7) = box8.Text
buffer(8) = box9.Text
buffer(9) = box10.Text
buffer(10) = box11.Text
buffer(11) = box12.Text
End Sub

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have tto agree with Dodge, I don't know what you mean. Could you explain a little further? Or, perhaps an example?
I hate to sound stupid, but I am still not seeing it. I looked at your stuff and tried it, but then it would break and point to the NEW thing inside microsoft stuff i.e. the windows form designer generated code. This is starting to frustrate me......I think I am going to toss me computer out the window.
The following code overloads the form's constructer so we can pass an instance of the other form to it. Keep in mind this code is located in the form that we want to display. It takes the argument it receives and stores it in a class variable.
Visual Basic:
Public Sub New([b]ByRef frm As Form[/b])

     [b]frmReference = frm[/b]

End Sub
Now, when we want to create an instance of that form we use the following code snippet. Keep in mind this code passes a reference of the primary form to the form that's about to be displayed.
Visual Basic:
Dim f As New Form2([b]Me[/b])
I appologize for my denseness... I added the code as you instructed. In my little demo project to help me understand this and get this concept down, I have a radio button on form1 which when selected sets the public variable "SandwichHam" to 1, and then shows the form2. On form2, I added the code as you instructed. I then added the follow:
If frm.SandwichHam =1 Then 
TextBox1.Text = "You ordered ham."
End If

However, it throws an exception ("An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe

Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.").

I am sure that this is something simple, but apparently still too complicated for my simple mind :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :-\

Thanks again!
Same Problem

Is it possible to do this in Visual C++ .net? I tried the Walkthrough on the MSDN library but it completely ruined my program. I am simply trying to pass the data collected from the TextBox in my Dialog back to the main Form.

Please forgive my ignorance, I'm a newbie with Visual C++ & .net.