MSM Files


Junior Contributor
Jan 23, 2002
I got an SDK for Microsoft Speech Synthesis/Recognition but all the files are MSMs. According to Microsoft, the MSMs are dependency scripts for Windows Installer. But when I put the MSM into the MSI project, I get a build error saying "A module with the dependency signature was not found '**SigIDNum**'"

Does anyone know how to install MSM files without needing a project that depends on it?
I created a new Windows Setup project type and added the MSM file as a Merge Module (right click the project, select Add->Merge Module).

I built the project, and ran the resulting setup.exe. Now I have the new voices installed on my machine (Mike and Mary, free for download from MS). To see them, go to Control Panel, Speech, Text To Speech tab and select the new voice from the Voice Selection Combo.

Heres the Task List showing the build errors

BTW. It's just a "Setup Project" with the Merge Module inserted into it then pressing compile


Not sure what it could be. I downloaded and installed the Speech SDK 5.1 today and installed it. I then downloaded the MSM file (MikeAndMary or MaryAndMike, I can't remember). Then I did as you did, started a new Visual Studio project, chose a Setup project (not setup wizard) and added the MSM file as a merge module. Seemed to compile fine - I made NO other changes to the project.

I'm not that familiar with the VS Setup program and even less familiar with merge modules. Good luck though :)

I think there was something wrong with the compiler. I reinstalled VS.Net and it worked perfectly