MSDE: Combining with Setup.msi??


May 8, 2003

I have written a VB.NET app which utilises DTS and SQLDMO (DTS to execute DTS packages from the client app and SQLDMO to read table structures from an SQL Server Db). I have SQL Server 2000 client tools installed and everything runs fine on my dev machine. Now I have come to deploy the app I need to distribute the referenced dll files with it (namely sqldmo.dll and dtspkg.dll).

I have tried distributing the dll files as stand alone (both unregistered and self registering) COM objects without success. I have tried adding the DMO and DTS merge modules to my deployment package but that didn't help. I have just attempted to add all of the MSDE merge modules and fiddle around with ORCA as described above but now my installation package crashes and nothing gets installed.

The only thing I seem to be able to do to get my app to work is manually installing MSDE as well. Having a full installation of MSDE on all of the client machines (there will be a few hundred clients) isn't really a viable option for me as our DBAs wouldn't be too pleased.

Does anyone know how I can successfully distribute/register just the DTS and SQLDMO bits of MSDE?

If you have or should you ever learn how to deploy MSDE please let me know. I have been trying to do the same thing for weeks and haven't had a bit of luck!

Many Thanks