MS-Help links


Ultimate Contributor
Nov 17, 2002
If possible, it would be nice to have another hack which made the forum software recognise ms-help:// links.
The new MSDN integrates itself in to explorer, and each page/topic is accessed by a URI starting in ms-help://. It's a good way of pointing people to specific pages in their documentation.
I am a bit confused how this would work? Would these links try
to open msdn on the user's computer? In my case, my internet
computer doesn't have VS.Net/MSDN installed, so that would fail.
(But I guess I could try installing the .Net MSDN alone on it.)
I don't know if it does this but it would be quite cool if it checked for MSDN and if not present tried to find the page on the MSDN web site instead.

[edit]Oh, and what happens to people using different browsers.[/edit]
Oh, and what happens to people using different browsers.
The link opens in Internet Explorer if you're using Mozilla (and I would assume Netscape as well). Opera chucks an error at you.

And yes, I would like to see ms-help links recognized. The hack would be ridiculously simple.
Is there anything that's available in the ms-help pages that aren't also available in the MSDN library online? If not, what's the benefit of doing this (which targets a smaller audience) over just pointing to the MSDN library (which seems like the lowest common denominator)?
quwiltw said:
Is there anything that's available in the ms-help pages that aren't also available in the MSDN library online? If not, what's the benefit of doing this (which targets a smaller audience) over just pointing to the MSDN library (which seems like the lowest common denominator)?

The MS-Help is installed locally, so browsing for info is much faster
and less tedious.

Thinker, that link didn't work for me... All my help files are in
MS.VSCC, like so:

That is because you don't have the regular .Net MSDN library
subscription version. ms.vacc is the version that comes with
visual studio. Which brings up another reason this link thing isn't
going to be as useful as other url links. Some have the library
and some don't.
Bucky said:
The MS-Help is installed locally, so browsing for info is much faster and less tedious.
Ahhh... the beauty of high speed access. The speed difference is negligible for me. I still think my lowest common denominator point is valid.
Since no one would come to her party, she just decided to call it
off. Now all we have to do is get her to actually open up her
VS.NET once in awhile. ;)

[edit]Looks like thread rating works just fine.[/edit]

* lebb quietly throws herself a welcome-back party