Million Dollar Question


Oct 21, 2003
I got a lot riding on this one so I hope I am right. It could cost me a lot of beer.

Is there a way to refresh a portion of an page?

I'm not talking about using frames.

What I would like would be to have a layer or some other way of dividing up the screen and leaving persistent information on portion and refresh another portion based on what is going on in the permanent section. This comes in handy in geographic mapping applications as it reduces the load on the server and gives the developer tighter control over what gets refreshed and when.

So can it be done?

If not, I would have to say that is a fairly large drawback to using over other technologies like remoting/Javascript etc.
I'm not sure about the actual internal workings of a postback, but this is pretty much what you want. It seems to submit a minor change to the server, yet keep most of the screen the same and is always very quick....

I'm not sure if its web caching, or a combination of this and some other stuff...
I think your solution might work kahlua. I would call a web service in a layer using javascript and the results would post back to the layer only. But what would the service be returning? HTML? An object? A data grid?
Have you seen any samples that do this?

Sam, I think a postback is exactly what it sounds like. You are running back to the server and fetching the entire screen again for a change that could be trivial. It's like when you create a data grid for a web form and you set the page size to 15. When you look at the aspx page you see 15 records, that's great. But in the meantime the page has gone and loaded EVERY records just to show you 15. Increased server load, increases client work, increased wait.