Microsoft to release the Source Code for the .NET Framework Libraries

My initial thoughts:

1. Awesome for projects like Mono.

2. Is there a concern from Microsoft that developers will need the ability to debug at the .Net level because the quality of the Framework has degraded?
My initial thoughts went like this:

I wonder if it will be useful at all...
Wow! I bet there's a LOT of good info to be gleaned by seeing their code and how they implemented/documented things.

I've never had any trouble with the .Net framework regarding bugs. Now 3rd party software, that's where you want the source!

This is fantastic news! I love Linux and its a beautiful operating system, that has always run better then the versions of windows I have had(More modable and tweakable to my exact tastes and it runs faster.) But I also understand the need for proprietary software and getting paid for your time you have invested in something.(I mean come on know people spent hours of time on the software you use... yet you want to pirate it! GRRRRRRRRR!) Finally, maybe Microsoft can understand that balance! There can be peace...cross platform is best for everyone. Honestly the secrecy and everything else is why I left the Windows platform. Maybe it is time to reconsider! That gave me bad views of Microsoft. Everything is so hidden and frustrating at times. I understand there need for copyrights but its hurting us the most!@
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