

Apr 20, 2004
I'm working on a VB.NET program with a reference to microsoft.mshtml.dll. The program works on my computer, but does not work on the computers that do not have VS .NET installed. I noticed there is not a interop file created in the bin directory for microsoft.mshtml.dll.

How do I get the microsoft.mshtml.dll working on the client PC's I'm running this program on?

Up untill this point, I've simply copied the files that were created in the bin folder to the client PCs, and the program has worked. Do I need to do something different when I am using microsoft.mshtml?
I found that if I right click on the microsoft.mshtml reference, and go to the Properties, I can change the Copy Local value to true. I compiled the program, and the microsoft.mshtml.dll is now in the bin directory so I can copy all the files in the bin directory to the client PCs.

Can anyone explain what "Copy Local" does?