Microsoft is RETARDED.


Senior Contributor
May 21, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
Ok, this is SO dumb. When you refernence the DLLs for DirectX:
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX <--

When you import them:
Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.D3DX <--

What the hell?

-The Pentium Guy
Oh. Damn. Hmph, I'm going to personally email microsoft ( - jkjk).

I might email MSDN Tech Support or post it on their tech support forum. Nah, just kidding. It doesn't bother me too much.

But I'm sure:
a) They know about this, but they're too lazy to fix it
b) They don't know about this.
c) They know about this and they're going to fix it immediately.
(Lol what other choices are there :P).

-The Pentium Guy
Well I do have a right :), but I hope you realize that I wasn't being 100% serious on this whole thread (The problem exists, but I don't care about it hehe).

I mean I'm not "condemning" Microsoft, just saying that they made a mistake. Chill :)

-The Pentium Guy
VB.Net does not, and will not ever receive the same attention as C#. Reporting issues that you find can make life easier for other VB users. It would only take you a few minutes at most to send in an email about it, so why not report it?
Hehe, I like how your post is called "Microsoft is RETARDED", then you say "I mean I'm not "condemning" Microsoft, just saying that they made a mistake.", rofl.

I am just happy that VB.NET has the DirectX functionality that it has! Now I don't have to waste time learning C++ syntax - I can just use the language that I know and love. :D
Lol. Well I meant "MICROSOFT IS RETARDED" in a light, humorous, comical, playable (whatever adjectives you want to use) manner. Becuse they are NOT retarded, they invented windows (....fine, everythin ghas it's quirks though).

Yeah I gotta be grateful for that. At least they're supporting
