Message Queuing has not been installed on this computer


Sep 8, 2004
Hello, I´m having problems trying to write messages into a private queue from a WebService. The MSMQ was installed in a Workgroup configuration.

I have this message from web: "Message Queuing has not been installed on this computer". But from a simple winForm App I made it work!

Does anyone know smth about this??
Thanks for writting me back, Santiago./

amcamx said:
You WILL need to install MSMQ on ANY machine you wish to send and receive messages from. Just think of MSMQ being nothing more than EMAIL for your applications. Can you get any email without and email app ?

Once you have MSMQ installed it is NOT reccommended to read from message queues that are on other machines as it causes MSMQ to be very slow. It is a reccommended practice to send mesages to distant queues and read them from local queues. IOW... if you have 2 machines (COmpA and CompB) that you want to have send messages back and need to have CompA send to CompB's message queue and CompB send messges to CompA's queue. CompA will read from its own queue as will CompB.

Also, when installing MSMQ on a server you must be careful how you install it. If it is a Domain Controller (DC) you DO NOT want to install it with routing will cause you great trouble. Other than that you can install it just like any workstation.

BTW, what version of MSMQ are you using ? This makes a difference too !

I hope this helps !
