Mesh animation ... yes once again :o


Sep 14, 2004
First I would like to thanks all the guys here who helps people around the world like me. I’m here since the beginning but I’m not enough strong to help people.

I have an enormous problem on mesh animation: I can't run the good skinned mesh sample of robydx's website.
I remember that it were running with 9.a

I have the SDK Dx9 summer 2004 (and 9b and 9a).

The sample stop at the beginning, impossible to debug it, the debug step by step mode doesn't run on it. It compile however without errors.

The good sample of Kazan runs, but here too impossible to compile it with sdk 9.C.

It is very important for me to find a good sample that’s works on animation mesh.

Can you help me if you have any ideas on robydx’s sample error, or if you know a good sample that works on 9.C ? :o

Thx a lot
ThePentiumGuy said: :). Go to articles, he has a nice page on Mesh animation and Skinned Mesh animation. Unfortunately this in Unmanaged C++ :(.

yes thx you and Kazn give me some good idea and i have made a new version of Kazan sample that works on 9.C

yeeepeee ! But it run only with Tiny.x :(