Menu's in VB.NET


Jun 17, 2002
Cedar Hill, TX
I am sure many of you know that the menu control has changed drastically in the way you create it.

So I have created a MainMenu using the MainMenu control. But for some reason it is not appearing on my form when I run my app. What do I do?
That depends on what you've done so far. When you look at your
form at design time, what does it look like? Have you laid out your
menu structure using the integrated menu editing system?
yea, i've created a File menu with Start and Exit menu items, a Options, and a Help menu. I've even created code for the Click event for my two menu items in my File Menu.

I see the object at the bottom of my form design with the object name (mnuMain) with the yellow background area, I guess this is where all your menus would go. But I don't know how to make it appear when I run my program.
When you add a MainMenu object to your form, it should create a
menubar at the top of the form. You should then be able to type
your item text into the menu bar by double clicking, typing, and
pressing enter. You can add menu items and sub-menu items the
same way.

Check to make sure that you haven't set the Visible property of
the menuitems to False or anything like that. I suggest deleting
the menus that you've got and starting over.