Menu and ContextMenu?


Mar 12, 2006
I've been using Visual Studio .NET 2003 and it just occurred to me that when
I create a context menu or menu, I can't find a property to add icons or images to the menu items.

But in Visual Studio .NET 2005 there is a property that allows this.

Okay, here's my question can I add icons/images to my menu items in VS2003?

Thanks for reading. :)
The thing you need to realize is that the menus in .Net 2005 are actually a different class (MenuStrip, MenuStripItem versus MainMenu and MenuItem). There are some pretty nice owner-drawn menu classes out there that mimic the OfficeXp style, and some that are very customizable. I've written my own after looking through a tutorial on the subject. I can post it if you like. (It is actually a single, self-contained code file.) You can also search google for Xp-style menu controls.