Manifest resource name are the same???


Oct 21, 2003
Hi there,

I'm having a strange problem. I'm writting a file import module and the following problem has occurred. I added a form to the project that automatically gets the name form1 and later i renamed the form to frmMain. Now when I want to run the application in Visual studio I get the error

Resources 'Forms\Form1.resx' and 'Forms\frmMain.resx' have the same manifest resource name 'AutoImport.frmMain.resources'.

Can anybody help me out.... :confused:

Can nooene help me


If noone can help me I have to redo the project.
Cause I can't find the problem.......

:o :(

OOH we'll
Found it but it's not pretty

I just started hacking project files to see what effect my it had.
In the vbproj file there where some entries that seemed likely to be the problem.
Opening the vbproj file in a tekst editor it looked like this.
RelPath = "AssemblyInfo.vb"
SubType = "Code"
BuildAction = "Compile"
RelPath = "Forms\frmMain.vb"
SubType = "Form"
BuildAction = "Compile"
RelPath = "Forms\frmMain.resx"
DependentUpon = "frmMain.vb"
BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
RelPath = "Forms\frmSplash.vb"
SubType = "Form"
BuildAction = "Compile"
RelPath = "Forms\frmSplash.resx"
DependentUpon = "frmSplash.vb"
BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource"
RelPath = "Modules\ModGlobals.vb"
SubType = "Code"
BuildAction = "Compile"

In this section the RelPath was set to to Forms/form1.resx I deleted them and Voila I can run the project again without any errors.

maybe not the most pretty solution but ....

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To fix this problem, simply:
-> go to the solution explorer and click on the "show all files" icon.
-> Expand the branch for your form by clicking the little plus sign.
-> Then delete the erroneous ".resx" file and everything should work fine.

- DjTranny