Managed Code Speed


Senior Contributor
Jul 22, 2003
I've heard it mentioned several times here that the MS Dx manager has claimed that managed code directx only loses 3-5% of the performance of non-managed code.

Can anyone point me to a/the article that specifically quotes this?
It usually isn't the problem that managed code would be slow. More usually it's lack of general DirectX knowledge. I doubt you would create any faster apps would you be coding in C++.
My managed code cant even begin to compete with my unmanaged code.

Perhaps it's not Managed DX that's the problem, but rather your lack of understanding and optimizations using it.
May well be, but I have done a fair amount of DX.
Actually that was a bit of an exageration about it not competing ;). I got fairly annoyed at the Surface.Lock issue in DD today and thought I would rant.

Issues like that I have never had in unmanaged C++.
No doubt managed DD is going to have issues; DD in general is simply not supported anymore, and I seriously doubt they'll fix any of the current issues with the managed version of it.