Mac and .Net


Mar 8, 2004
.Net applications cant be used on Mac??

Someone is writing an application using Java, he said .Net apps cant be used on Mac, that's why he's developing in Java...
You never know, linux is becomming more popular for desktop pc users, microsoft might find itself forced to develope a version of .NET Frame for linux...
Microsoft is never forced.
Microsoft force things.

Microsoft will never devellop .NET Framework for Linux or Mac.
If they do... their .NET develloper will go on another platform than Windows.

Develloper moving ? They gain less money.

You see the point ? Forget it man.
I didn't say they'll develop another version of .NET Framework just because they wanna develope it. I said Linux is getting popular, some universities here already converted to linux. I'm with you that Microsoft forces things,but you never know man, things change......
Well... they make their core free to download...
They didn't do their framework to other platforms but they offer the occasion.
I wasn't wrong!!... but I never though they would give their core.

Well... maybe I was wrong a little!

"Accepting and error is an error partly corrected" no?
I had this thought in my mind for a long time. When Microsoft announced the .NET Framework, I felt(and thats my opinion) that its protecting itself from any expected changes in the market in the future.
What if, for some reason, people stopped using Windows and moved to another new operating system thats developed by another company. Most of microsoft products won't work on that new operating system. So what it would is, develope a .NET Framework that would run on that operating so that people would still use its technologies.........

I'm probably wrong, but its just an opinion
This might be a little obvious, but since this in the ASP.NET forum I'll point out that
Web Applications developed in ASP.NET (once hosted) can be accessed from any
system that has a web browser.

This is also the beauty of XML Web Services: they are inherently platform-independent.
Bucky, any system that has a web browser compatible with IE, some .NET web apps will not work correctly on Netscape or Opera
true, but when it come to developing web apps, its the output that matters.

Unlike normal apps, web apps are run on one simgle point, so as long as that point is compatible - you don't have a problem. With normal apps you need to run it on every single computer, so you need compatibility.
Wow... I heard rumors in the past but I never thought they were true... that really opens up a lot of possibilities for us C# programmers... imagine the possiblities... being able to develop cross platform applications and not have to spend four hours making a form in C++. From what I read it seems only the 'popular' and 'most-used' libraries are the only one's available... if you wanted to do something is System.Management, or System.Web, or some of the lesser used namespaces you would still need to be on a Microsoft box... is that correct?