MAC Address


Jul 27, 2005
i was trying to create some networking inventories, which hopefully able to detect the error is on which machine, i was told about MAC Address, the problem is i wanted to create a web based application, i'm still learning about this .NET, please inform me anyhow to get MAC Address by ASP or ASP.NET ;)
You can't. You would have to have access to the client machine and web applications don't run on a clients machine and therefore can't retrieve the information, or any kind of information such as that.

bri189a said:
You can't. You would have to have access to the client machine and web applications don't run on a clients machine and therefore can't retrieve the information, or any kind of information such as that.

hmm, :eek: but i found some C# script library, i have not check it yet. do you have something else to help me? perhaps some included library? :D i already tried:
ipconfig /all and creating .dll to get macaddress, :rolleyes: but is there anyway in .net? :mad:
Well of course in plain .NET you can get...the easiest way is through the Management namespace... but you can't get it through ASP.NET.
arthipesa said:
can you giude me thru? you can personally chat with me at YM ID:arthipesa
or add me at with^^
i really need your guide. thanx b4...

this is an example from MDSN:
class Sample_ManagementClass
public static int Main(string[] args) {
ManagementClass diskClass = new ManagementClass("Win32_LogicalDisk");
Console.WriteLine("Logical Disk class has " + diskClass.Properties.Count + " properties");
return 0;

For network adapters you would substitue Win32_LogicalDisk with Win32_NetworkAdapter. The specific property you want is 'MACAddress'.

From there and with the help of Google you should be able to get what you need, I really don't have time right now to do the code.
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