localhost problem


Jun 14, 2002
Hello.Recently having moved I got a new isp provider.
The problem is that now when I try to run the asp web matrix
or the apache server on my computer I get an 404 error,page
can't be found error.
Im using windows xp home edition.Im a little flustered with
this problem.I would appreciate any help.It appears somehow that
the local host can't be found.
Thank you.
You need XP Pro or Win 2000 in order to setup and configure IIS5, this is a must if you want to develop any .NET web apps.
It seems that Web Matrix does work on XP Home but you need IIS 5.5

Here's what they say....

What are the System Requirements for ASP.NET Web Matrix?

ASP.NET Web Matrix is supported on Windows 2000 (Professional and Server editions) and Windows XP (Home, Professional) operating systems. You must have IE 5.5 or greater and the .NET Framework installed.
I've used the web matrix on my machine since it was first issued.
You dont need the IIs to run the web matrix on the xp home
edition .
Everything worked fine until I moved and got a new isp provider.
I still don't have a clue what the problem is.
Come to think of it their (Webmatrix) entire pitch was that you don't need IIS, so I don't know what the new version is up to. Sorry I couldn't help.
The web matrix and apache server not working isn't the only
problem I've had since I moved and got my computer set
up again.I can just managed to get rid of the trojan virus
by re-installing windows xp,and I now I've gotta find a
driver type file for my sound card.
My advice.If you want consistancy in your computer,live
in the same place and don't move.
You know,if I reformatted the hard drive,would all my
software still be protected?
Some music software I downloaded, so I wouldn't be
able to re-install after doing a reformat of the disk,and
I just don't feel like installing a cd burner on this machine
the way it is now(in order to "save" the music software).
I have a good feeling it's the virus causing all these
problems and Ill have to take a drastic step to get rid of
it.Nortons anti-virus can't do any more than they've already
Maybe I should think about suing them.Then I could
buy a whole bunch of new computers.That's an idea.
You know what?I don't think my localhost problem
is due to the trogan virus.From what I've read and
what I've seen the "trogan" appears to be just a minor
irritant that doesn't cause major damage.
If I could only get the localhost working.I want to write
one of the microsoft exams soon.