Listbox does not display ListItemCollectionEditor items


Mar 10, 2006

I created a custom control which consists of a label and a listbox. The control has to have a public property called 'Items' which allows users to add list items to the control's listbox during design time. (much like the Items property of the vb listbox). I used ListItemsCollectionEditor to display the ListItems Editor window.

I added some list items using the ListItems Editor window but the listbox did not display the newly added items at all.

A code snippet is given below:

Private listitems as new ListItemCollection

<EditorAttribute(GetType(System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.ListItemsCollectionEditor), _
GetType(UITypeEditor))> _ 'displays the ListItemEditor window
Public ReadOnly Property Items() As ListItemCollection

Return listitems
End Get

End Property

How do I let the listbox to display the newly added list items from the ItemCollection Editor window?
Advice would be appreciated :)
The values are generally persisted via the AddRange function for collections, meaning that the property which returns the collection can be (and probably should be) read only. The problem is that there is a lot involved in telling a designer how to serialize data and objects. Have you looked at a tutorial on using designers for collections?

You might find these tutorials to be educational. They might not address your question directly, but they should give you insight into the world of .Net designers and help you find a solution.