Listbox and C#


Junior Contributor
Sep 10, 2003
Burbank, CA
I am currently creating a program in C# using VS2003. I figure the project I am working on is perfect for me to learn C# as the original program was down in Borland C++. I am upgrading as the original is not user friendly.

Anyways, I am wondering if this is a bug.

I place a listbox on the form called lstAinfo. I saved this as well. if I try and do this.lstAinfo, so I can add an item, it doesn't show up in the list. I have a button called btnExit, and that shows up. I also checked and I do have this setup in the windows designer area.
It's been a while but as I recall the intellisense in C# for Visual Studio 2003 wasn't as awesome as it currently is in more recent versions. The background compiler wasn't as good so in order to get things like variables and new controls to show up you might have to manually compile your code. Alt + B + U is the short cut for kicking off a build.

Are you experiencing any other problems when you try to build your code or is the Listbox just missing in intellisense?
It was missing in the intellisense. I shut the program down, and restarted and it was there.

Another thing I notice, when I am typing the cursor will not follow the typed characters. for instance I type "techmanbd". When I get to the c the cursor stays there, but the hman will type out. Not that it matters, it just threw me off at first.