I have a linklabel with an image associated with it. I would like to underline the text when the linklabel is entered. The problem is when the image is hovered over the text isn't underlined. It only gets underlined when the text is hovered.
Here is the control properties.
Basically I want it to work just like anything in Windows. If the text or the image/icon is hovered over then just the text is underlined.
Here is the control properties.
// lnkAllContributions
this.lnkAllContributions.AutoSize = true;
this.lnkAllContributions.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand;
this.lnkAllContributions.ImageAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
this.lnkAllContributions.ImageIndex = 6;
this.lnkAllContributions.ImageList = this.ilMenuIcons;
this.lnkAllContributions.LinkArea = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkArea(7, 13);
this.lnkAllContributions.LinkBehavior = System.Windows.Forms.LinkBehavior.HoverUnderline;
this.lnkAllContributions.Name = "lnkAllContributions";
this.lnkAllContributions.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(105, 17);
this.lnkAllContributions.Text = " Contributions";
Basically I want it to work just like anything in Windows. If the text or the image/icon is hovered over then just the text is underlined.