Light app


Dec 31, 1969
Montreal Canada
I am looking ahead to make my app the smallest I can.
I am only using windows forms, module, classes and OLE connection.
I've heard that every user will have to install on their machines the framework ( over 20 megs ) in order to be able to run a app.
This is really sad news, because I was looking ahead to optimise my program to be the smallest in size possible.
What I have heard is lies ?
Can I still hope to be able to deliver a 200k app, setup included ?
You do indeed need the framework (20+ megs), but you don't need
to include that in the setup if you don't want. If you wish to assume
that the user has it already, or give them a link to download it from,
then you can keep your program fairly small. I don't think it will be
under 200k, but it will be fairly small.
Is there any applications that have this framework other than visual ? (like Office XP for example )
If so, we can ask for some requirements regarding installed software.
If not, I will have to find a solution...
Well, I don't know about that. I think WinXP SP1 has it, and the new
Windows .NET will definately have it. Try searching the MSDN for
specifics about deploying applications.
I'll have a look in MSDN thanx.
But I have difficulty to understand that Microsoft has developped a web friendly technology but asks the user for 20+ megs required files. Typical.
Nevermind ;)