Large VB projects


Jun 25, 2003
hey folks, new to forum and to, but wanna say hi first

Can you guys that have worked on large vb projects post some links or advice on where to even start with designing a large vb project.

All i seem to find so far are just small code snippets here and there. i've read a few books on in depth class design and have a background in C, but not C++. i get the "idea" of OOP, but don't know where to start breaking are large project apart. You guys have some good links or advice?

The project is a TrueType font editor that i'm doing by myself. i understand the TTF format and all, so that part is out of the way. But need some ideas on where to start with the gui and tying it to the backend. Like what needs to be a class and what doesn't. i'm just so used to the procedure style of C.

i'm sorry if this doesn't make too much sense

Oh, book suggestions are more than welcome - i can buy them, just don't know which ones (got bitten by a few books in the past).

...if you see this over in the legacy vb forum as well, sorry about that...i was lost and posted over there first :)
oh heh, sorry...i already have the Coding Effective .Net classes - it's a great book so far. Very good, in depth explanations.

i see that you can buy the first one you suggested bundled with the Class book, so i'm going to buy the first one as well. i'm hoping they complement each other well.

thanks again.