large file transfer via web services


Nov 5, 2003
Hello All,

Okay - here is the dilemma. I am trying to transfer large data files via web services in a file transfer apaplication that is implemented over the internet. I have a client app that calls the file transfer method of eh web service and passes it a filename, directory to put the file in and an array of bytes represnting the file.

I know that the default files size is about 4 MB and I changed the allowable size in web.config. But I don't want to open myself up to DOS attacks and such.

Thus, I want to beable to break the file up and send chunks of data to the web service and then have it reassembled on the file server end where the web service sits. Once reassmebled, it save into the driectory specified. The key part, is that I want to do this asychronously so as to not maintain a session - although if I can't, I can't.

I don't even know where to begin. I have the array of bytes - but I'm not sure how to both break that array down into a set size and then pass those chunks to a receiving method that reassmbles it. Does anyone have any code or pseduo-code they can offer to help me get started.

I ahve reviewed the info on MSDN with their cold storage strategy - it wasn't that clear though.

thanks in advance.
