Is this possible?


Jul 7, 2003
I was wondering if this is possible.

I have 2 forms frmmenu and frmbook

frmmenu has 2 panels
1 with a menu on the left site and on the right site another panel

Now I want to show the frmbook form into the second panel on the right, by pressing a button on the left.

is it possible to load and show that form in that second panel?

Thanks so much.
Other metoth is make multiple panels lay over eath other nad hid, un hide them, that what i do.
btw:you speak dutch?
ik probeer om een weinig Nederlands te spreken nog, kom ik oorspronkelijk uit een stad genoemd Almelo in Nederland, maar in Engeland 27 jaar geleefd.
you'll have to excuse my dutch , but i've lived in the UK for 27 years so i only pick it back up again when i visit my family over there and it's been over 3 years since my last visit
CLick on apachemon, that mu opensource project :p
User 2002, there use tab's to ch layout work great, only need to hid one thing or show one thing :p
btw: i could see, you said bedank, in stead of thanx ;)
ok found it....
This is how I am doing it at this moment.
PRoblem is that when I have to make a change to a form it's
hard to get there.
so multiple xxxx.vb forms would be easier
Not too sure if you have solved your problem (didn't follow the dutch. but you can do what you want by programatically adding the form as a control to the panel you want in the same way as the designer code does it for something like a button. I have used this and it works like a dream.
donnacha said:
Not too sure if you have solved your problem (didn't follow the dutch. but you can do what you want by programatically adding the form as a control to the panel you want in the same way as the designer code does it for something like a button. I have used this and it works like a dream.
As far as I know its impossible to put a top level control in a control.
Hi mutant, you are right, you can not do this for a top level control, it is just a matter of setting this to false and it will work fine. It is also much easier thatn MDI stuff.
Far from impossible, you just have to set the form's TopLevel property to false first. Then you can add it (as a control) to any other control.