Is there a VBAssist alternative for .NET?

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I have been using VBAssist (Sheridan/Infragistics) with VB6 for years and have grown to like the workspace assistant. However it doesnt look like Infragistics will put out a .NET compatable version. Does anyone know of alternative addins for the IDE that work like the workspace assistant?

For those of you that dont know what the workspace assistant is... it allows you to create hot corners on your screen where youcan move your mouse to and then, based on the settings, one of your tool windows appears out of the corner when you leave the toolwindow the window disapears back into the corner. It helps cut down on clutter and you can get to everything easily.

If I cant find a replacement I will begin to look at developing something to do just that.

There was a program built with The Magic Library (link below) called SharpDevelop and it emulates VS.NET fairly well which includes the Toolbox bar that pops out of the corner of your screen exactly how you describe. Since SharpDevelop was made in part using The Magic Library your answer should lie within there (hopefully).

Anyway, what is it? It's a spiffy free class library that's free for download and allows you to do all sorts of spiffy things. :) Check it out, it just might be what you're looking for.
Actually what I am looking for is an addin to the VS.NET IDE... not a control addin (to develop applications that have the feature).

With VBAssist you switched to the SDI layout in VB6 then your Undocked toolwindows (Project Explorer, Properties, Toolbox, etc) "suck up" in to the screen corners.

So when you need the properties toolwindow you drop to the lower right of the screen and bamm there it is on top of all other windows.
Ohh I get what you're saying.

Well bah you can do that in VS without any extra 3rd party things. Just right click the properties or solution explorer title bar and click auto hide. Same with the output window, task list etc which are at the bottom of your screen. Same with the toolbox as well.
Thanks... guess with all the banging my head into the desk testing the porting of my apps to VB.NET, I overlooked the obvious. LOL

Now if I could only have SDI an option for the IDE environment I would be back into my comfortable little IDE Setup. /SDI worked in beta but not now.