Is it worth to read book about VC++ 6 and use VC++ 2005?


Jul 19, 2006

Is it worth reading "Sams: Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 In 21 Days" book if i'm gonna use Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition? Did VC++ 2005 changed a lot from VC++ 6?
That depends on a number of factors, such as how much experience you have with programming in other languages, and whether you are primarily interested in creating graphical applications.

The biggest change between VC++ 6 and VC++ 2002 (and above) was the introduction of the ability to create managed (.Net CLR) applications. If you intend to utilise this feature then you may be better off with a more recent guide. If, however, you are primarily interested in creating console or non-.Net applications, or just want to learn C++, then a VC++ 6 book would be a perfectly good starting manual.
well, i'm just a beginner to C++ programming. I just want to learn C++, it's basics for applications, easy games creation...
A VC++ 6 book will teach you C++ just as well as any other C++ book. It will also probably teach you MFC and ATL.

This is what it will leave out:
-special keywords and constructs for .Net (properties, garbage collection, etc.). These are mainly useful when converting other .Net code to C++ or when your compiled code will be used in another .Net language.
-The .Net Framework, which is a very large, useful, easy programming library, but it is not a must. Anything that can be done with the .Net framework can be done without (whether by MFC, Windows API, code posted on the web, whatever).

Or to sum it up:
MrPaul said:
Your VC++ 6 book should be fine then.
Thanks, i'll read C++ 6 book. Bitwise, i also have "C++ Builder Programming Samples" book. I bought it about 3 years ago. Is it useful too? I've noticed it is a bit different programming...