Is it worth reducing the number ASP.NET controls on my site?


Jan 4, 2005
Hi All,

I was wondering about performance issues for my ASP.NET site.

Looking at the HTML I have a lot of ASP.NET controls such ASP image and ASP panel etc. Would my performance improve by much if say I replaced the panel for say a HTML table or is this unecessary?

Also is there performance improvements for disabling viewstate (which I don't use for this site) etc?

I would rather harness as much from ASP.NET as possible but I am worried that doing so mucxh may slow down my site.

For example I built an e-commerce site a while ago which seems slow at uploading initially, this maybe the amount of ASP controls but I also suspect the web space provider may not be that good either.

Any discussion on this matter would be great as I am keen to get into good habits with web development.

Thanks, Dave. :D :D :D
Everytime you use an ASP.NET server side control you add viewstate. This viewstate has to go back to the server everytime you do a postback or submit, so to answer your question, less will improve your speed - maybe significantly. I know I had a list of objects a couple 1000 items long and by reducing the viewstate within the list I found I could load the page sigificantly faster.

If you're looking for a really good book about this stuff try this, it's EXCELLENT, and I TOTALLY recommend it. It's also offered on MSDN somewhere for free as an E-book.
Sounds like a good book I will order that. It is an area that I really don't know much about so this will REALLY help.

Thanks once more.