Is it just me or datagridView is somewhat slow?

Thanks. That was "helpfull".

PS: Please people, don't bother posting jokes or any other kind of useless coments regarding the thread's subject whenever you notice that a thread was started by "EFileTahi-A". Yet, I also believe the forum's bandwidth/database will apreciate that... All in all, It's ok/cool to add a joke/ridle or any other kind of comments to a post of yours if it is pretty clear that the purpose of the your very post was (at least) trying to help...

I hope you understand me.
Thank you.
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EFileTahi, smile a little. I doubt that Xtreme .Net is that hard up for bandwidth, and I'm not sure what kind of answer you were expecting, but a little humor should help with the headaches that the DataGridView causes everyone.

The control is, simply put, very slow and from what I understand there isn't much you can do about it. Do a Google search of "DataGridView Slow" and you will see that this topic has already been very thoroughly discussed. If you can use the DataGrid instead, try that. Otherwise all you can do is live with the DataGridView or write your own control.
marble_eater said:
EFileTahi, smile a little.

Hi Marble, if you browse some of previous posts you will clearly notice that I do smile. Anyway, how much I smile its a pointless issue, what does matter is how you behave, help or be helped (in this case)...
I doubt that Xtreme .Net is that hard up for bandwidth

You didn't fall for that did you?

and I'm not sure what kind of answer you were expecting

By reading the thread's topic again I believe a simple 'yes' or 'no' would have been enough.

but a little humor should help with the headaches that the DataGridView causes everyone.

Totaly agree with you, but, If I wanted humor I would head over or open a humor topic over 'Random Thoughts' section. Because, I believe when people post over a help forum they seek help and not humor, well, if you can help with humor I believe we have a killing combo :) (See? I just smiled)...

The control is, simply put, very slow and from what I understand there isn't much you can do about it. Do a Google search of "DataGridView Slow" and you will see that this topic has already been very thoroughly discussed. If you can use the DataGrid instead, try that. Otherwise all you can do is live with the DataGridView or write your own control.

Before I posted here I browsed the web for this problem of mine, and, found some solutions that unfortunately did not worked that well (most of them envolving disabling some of the DataGridView's events), that's why then I headed over this forum. And yes, I also made a search on this forum with the keywords 'DataGridView Slow' and found only one topic regarding this issue which was actually useless...

Anyway thanks for the reply. I almost sure now that there is nothing else to do to speed up the DataGridView unless you buy new hardware...

Just to let you know Marble_Eater, you're one of the persons I admire and respect around here (because of the time, effort and respect you show to Xtreme .NET users). But, that's not enough to shut me up. ;)

Take care.
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