Interface Objects and basic object methods.


Junior Contributor
Feb 17, 2003
Shouldn't interface objects have the basic methods of an object, like GetType, Equals, etc.? For instance, in the following code I have to had quite a bit extra to tell if the two objects are of the same class. Maybe the answer is that I should be using inheritance instead of an interface here, but still, logically it seems surprising that you can't use all the basic methods of an object on an object referenced like this.

Visual Basic:
Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim p As INameObject
        p = New class1
        Dim c As INameObject
        c = New class2
        Debug.Print(c.FnGetType Is p.FnGetType)
        '     Debug.Print(c.gettype Is p.gettype)  'Can't say this.

    End Sub
End Class

Public Interface INameObject
    Property Name() As String
    Function FnGetType() As Type

End Interface

Public Class class1
    Implements INameObject

    Private pName As String
    Public Property Name() As String Implements INameObject.Name
            Return pName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            pName = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Function FnGetType() As System.Type Implements INameObject.FnGetType
        Return Me.GetType
    End Function
End Class

Public Class class2
    Implements INameObject
    Private pName As String
    Public Property Name() As String Implements INameObject.Name
            Return pName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            pName = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Function FnGetType() As System.Type Implements INameObject.FnGetType
        Return Me.GetType
    End Function
End Class
You really do not need a method in the interface to return the Type. The GetType method will be part of "class1" and "class2" as it is a method of "object". It is not going to be available through the interface.

If you implement the interface explicitly (which you did in your example) then just declare an instance of the instead and then cast it into the interface when you want to access the properties/methods of the interface.

If you implement the interface implicitly you can just access the interface properties/methods through the class.
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Gill Bates said:
You really do not need a method in the interface to return the Type. The GetType method will be part of "class1" and "class2" as it is a method of "object". It is not going to be available through the interface.

If you implement the interface explicitly (which you did in your example) then just declare an instance of the instead and then cast it into the interface when you want to access the properties/methods of the interface.

If you implement the interface implicitly you can just access the interface properties/methods through the class.

Sometimes I may not know what type of objects I have except that they implement INameObject. But I suppose I can always do:

Visual Basic:
 Dim t1 As Type = CType(p, Object).GetType
        Dim t2 As Type = CType(c, Object).GetType
        Debug.Print(t1 Is t2)

What's the difference between explicit and implicit implementation of an interface?
With explicit implementation callers into the interface must cast the object into the interface in order to access its properties/methods. With implicit implementation callers into the interface are able to access the properties/methods as if they were part of the class.

interface MyInterface
    string Name

interface AnotherInterface
    int Age

class MyClass : MyInterface, AnotherInterface
    // explicit
    string MyInterface.Name
        get { return "Wow"; }

    // implicit
    public int Age
        get { return 29; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyClass m = new MyClass();

        // reference to property of explicit interface implementation
        // this is the only way you can "see" the "Name" property
        // of the interface
        Console.WriteLine(     ((MyInterface)m).Name     );

        // reference to property of implicit interface implementation
        Console.WriteLine(      m.Age     );

I don't think VB has that. I would have said that implementation in VB is all implicit, contrary to what you said in your first reply, because there is no need to cast the object to the interface in order to access the implementing methods.
Sometimes I may not know what type of objects I have except that they implement INameObject. But I suppose I can always do:
That is kind of the point of interfaces - you write code that works with the defined interface without needing to know the specifics of the implementation.
PlausiblyDamp said:
That is kind of the point of interfaces - you write code that works with the defined interface without needing to know the specifics of the implementation.
In other words, the type used should reflect the intended use. If you are using an IList, you shouldn't need to know its System.Type, all you need to know is that it implements a list service. Interfaces are there so you can kinda forget about types.

If you need to test the System.Type of an object, you can use the TypeOf...Is... clause:
Visual Basic:
Dim List1 As IList = New List(of Integer)
If(TypeOf List1 Is List(of Integer)) Then _
    MessageBox.Show("List1 is a list of integers.")
or you can cast to a System.Object to treat the item as an object.

As to Implicit/Explicit interface implementations, VB has no direct analogy. In fact, VB is much, much more flexible in this manner. VB can implemenet each member (using "C# terminology") "implicitly" (declare the method as public), "explicitly" (declare the method as private) or implement the member using a different name than the interface's declared name for that method.
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