Advantages of learning how to make pretty GUIs yourself:
- Less overhead (which means faster programs).
- More customizable (can make whatever you want).
- WAY less in size.
- Will help you better understand .NET for future projects.
- Satisfaction that YOU did it.
- Lots of overhead (slower programs).
- You're stuck with what you get.
- Possibility of not being able to fix bugs.
- You won't learn anything except how to plug someone elses bloated program into your own.
- Forcing users to download more then they need.
- Takes about 10 times longer to program from scratch then just plugging in someone elses code.
Now you may be asking.. oh big deal just a little overhead and ONLY 400k more the user has to d/l. Well, sure.. but what about the next user made class library you use, and the next.. and you just keep on plugging in other peoples .dlls for re-usability. Next thing you know, you're stuck with a 20 meg program that you could of done with a little more time and a lot more customized and way faster, and only have the user d/l about a meg or so.
Also, you know that GUI image you pasted? All menus, titlebars, etc look like that under windows XP.