Intellisense to show Description of public methods?


Jan 27, 2007
Weston, Florida
I was wondering how to make Intellisense show the descriptions of the methods in my classes, which I make public?

It makes it easier for me to use my classes between applications if I don't need to flip back and forth between screens to read what I had put in the comments when I want to use a function in the class. It's more of a quick thing for me, really.. In the long run, if I didn't describe it well enough, I would have to go back to it anyways and read the code.

Every little bit helps!

Thanks in advance! =)


Quick Edit:
I figure that I should mention that I'm using C# on Visual Studio 2005

I love being able to answer my own questions =) I guess enough terms in a Yahoo! Search will pull up what I need hahaha

Just in case anyone else wonders, here is the solution:

///Method Description Here
///<param name="firstVariable">Description for my first parameter</param>
///<param name="secondVariable">Description for my second parameter</param>

public void MyMethod(string firstVariable, int secondVariable)
  //Code goes here!

Note that the beginning "comment" code to bring in the XML is /// instead of // (3 vs. 2)

Hope this helps whoever was as confused as I was!
