Integrated Windows Security


Senior Contributor
Mar 22, 2004
Montreal, QC
This is not a question and not even a request for help. It's a warning to the fabulous Integrated Windows Security.

I worked 3 or 4 hours to resolve this problem. If you make an ASP.NET application and that you use IWS (Integrated Windows Security) it'll work great and fast with no popup.

HOWEVER... it don't run on the Netscape. You'll have to use "Forms" or "Windows" with the option "Basic".

To all beginner who are searching why... I found, I've seen and I got it all up the ***.

N.B.: "Basic" logon send the password in PLAIN TEXT
It doesn't work with Netscape because Netscape doesn't support it. Not the other way around. Mozilla does however, as of the past several versions. Seeing as Netscape is no longer alive and kicking, any user using a Netscape browser has their own problems. :)
My companie does... I'm trying to push them toward another browser... but this is a company with over 30,000 employee... so it take time.