Installing my app on another server


Mar 8, 2004
I want to install my app on a new server. I dont want to create an installer or deploy it. Just want to move code over...

are these steps correct? dont want to mess up the server or my app:

1. Built app which creates the dll
2. remove resx files.
3. move files/dll to new server.
4. create website for it.

the dll goes in the same directory as the aspx files??
The dll should go in a bin folder under the main application folder. If you xcopy / ftp etc the folder structure from the development machine it should work. You need to copy over the aspx, asmx, html, global.asax, web.config and any additional content (images, xml etc).
You do not need to copy the resx, or .vb / .cs files to the server though. Copy the bin directory as is (all dlls in there need to be copied)
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