installation problem


Junior Contributor
May 2, 2002
I finished my application and built an install project for it, it is installing on other computer fine, with the exception of one. When the app is installed on this computer, the user clicks the .exe to run the application, however when they do this the app starts to install itself again. This is the only computer that this app is behaving like this on. Not sure why? Any explaination of why or how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
This happens to me occasionally as well and I'm not sure how to turn the option off. It seems to be related to the installer "repairing" the installation. So, sometimes, if I install a DLL in a directory, delete the DLL, then run the application that needs the DLL, the installer will repair the installation by reinstalling the missing DLL.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything else right now (it hasn't annoyed me enough yet to investigate it), but that might be enough to point you in the right direction. And when you find out what's going on, post it up, I am curious to know.
There are many 3rd party packagers out there that imho do a better job than the built in one. Im not sure on why but it might be a registry thing with the install/repair issue..not really sure though just a guess.