Installation Path


Junior Contributor
May 2, 2002
Is there a way to pre-program an installation path for a developed application. That way when a user is trying to install the application all they would have to is click that "they want the application available to everyone" and just keep clicking next until they are finished. It will not even give the user an option to select an installation path in the install wizard. Or better yet during installation can I get the installation to look at a specfic location on the registry for the installation path. While the user is running the installation it will write to the registry the installation path then read that value and install it to that location. Any directories that do not exist would be created during installation. Any help with how to accomplish any of the above would be greatly appreciated.
I know you can create a new setup project in Visual Studio. There may or may not be an option that allows or disallows users to install to a specific path. I would take a look at it if I were you. If nothing else, you can always accomplish what your looking for by making your own custom app that installs to a specific path and does all your registry checks.
