.ini file gone?


Jan 11, 2006

My program is completed. So i build a install file. But i need 1 more file.
The ini file i've generated. The program needs it.

But it's gone!? I've searched all disks and can't find something...
But the program can open it :S .

Maybe you can help me.
This is the code:

				IniFile ini = new IniFile("JTBilling.ini");				

Where should Microsoft visual studio save it like this???
If i made it like: IniFile ini = new IniFile("c:\test.ini");
Then i cant find it in de the root of "C:\"
Maybe you need to go to your windows settings (I believe that it is under folder options in the tools menu of explorer) and disable the option to hide system files.
I considered making that suggestion, but after a quick search I realised I couldn't find an option that hides *.ini files. Whilst you can hide system files, my windows at least does not appear to consider *.ini files to be system files.
If i save it like this:

IniFile ini = new IniFile("C:\\test.ini");

Then the file is on the root of C:\

But withouth that path.. where would he save it..

Does enybody know how i know the full path of the running exe file????
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If you aren't specifying a fully qualified path, assuming it doesn't error, I would assume it would save to a path relative to the .exe. You can find the path to your application using Application.StartupPath().