Include InstallFlashPlayer.exe in setup project


Oct 6, 2002
I have a VB.net2003 App to be installed from CD-ROM. It already does the installation of the framework and MDAC very nice, but I need to install the FlashPlayer also.

I tried around with start conditions and userdefined actions but nothing works, setup doesn't accept the InstallFlashPlayer.exe file.

I have already been looking around and posted in several forums but appearently nobody knows. So maybe here someone can tell me at least if it should be possible to execute such a file inside of a setup project.


Up to now I found out how to use a userdefined action with this code in a module that launches the download of the FlashPlayer directly from Macromedia:

Public Sub Main()
End Sub

But my App is installed from CD-ROM and maybe a user doesn't have an internet connection.

Anybody got an idea?
Meanwhile I was able to start the Installflasplayer.exe but now the problem is, that it breaks down the main setup.

Does anybody know how I could automatically start another exe when the main setup has finished? So I could separate the to install files wihich evidently don't like them eachother very much...

Found the solution!

I don't have to use the installer file at all. It's only necessary to install the flash.ocx in the right folder ([Systemfolder]/Macromed/Flash) and declare it as selfRegistering and as system file. That's it.

Why do things the simple way, if it is always possible to complicate them.

Well, thanks anyway for any help.