In VB.NET 1.1, I created 2 classes in separate files. One is a data class and the other is an ExceptionClass. I used the Namespace directive in the following manner:
The data class is called DataAccess and the exception class is called ExceptionLogging.
I've now added these two files to my VB.NET 2.0 project and in the DataAccess class, when I catch an exception, I throw the exception as follows:
The problem is everywhere I'm referencing the RDDC.Components.ExceptionLogging it is giving me an error saying "Type 'RDDC.Components.ExceptionLogging' is undefined"
Any help would be appreciated.
In VB.NET 1.1, I created 2 classes in separate files. One is a data class and the other is an ExceptionClass. I used the Namespace directive in the following manner:
Namespace RDDC.Components
The data class is called DataAccess and the exception class is called ExceptionLogging.
I've now added these two files to my VB.NET 2.0 project and in the DataAccess class, when I catch an exception, I throw the exception as follows:
Catch ExceptionObject As Exception
'Any exception will be logged through our private logexception function
Dim logerr As New RDDC.Components.ExceptionLogging
'If an exception occurs, close the connection now!
'The exception is passed back to the calling code, with our custom message and specific exception information
Throw New Exception(logerr.ExecptionMessage, ExceptionObject)
The problem is everywhere I'm referencing the RDDC.Components.ExceptionLogging it is giving me an error saying "Type 'RDDC.Components.ExceptionLogging' is undefined"
Any help would be appreciated.