Immediate Window not functioning as expected.


May 7, 2004
L.A., Ca
I am currently using VS.NET 2005. From what I read I should be able type a general command into the immediate window and it will return the results. For instance typing in


should cause the messagebox window to pop up. When I do in my IDE however it tries to build me app which I don't want. I simply want to test some small code to see the results. Is there a setting I need to change or am I using it incorrectly?

Any help would be appreciated since I am very new to VS.NET and the VS.NET IDE.
I don't think I've heard of the feature you seem to be describing for VS2005, but they added a lot of stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something. :)

Maybe something like a snippet compiler is more what you're looking for?
In order to use the immediate window you must be running an application and be in break mode. The reason that it tries to build your project is so that it can run it to create the environment in which to execute your command.

For that reason, the snippet compiler would probably be ideal for you.