I'm missing a file, can someone help me out?


Dec 31, 2002
Fairfax, VA
I wasn't entirely sure where to put this thread, so I decided here since I get this error when I try to finish the Directx9 AppWizard. I tried to create a DirectDraw project from the wizard but I get an error saying that I'm missing "EmptyProject.vbproj" from the Vb7\\VbProjects\ folder.

Does someone know where I can obtain this file? Possibly even attach it or email it to me (andyk@portaladvance.com). If not I'll try re-installing VB.NET but it takes nearly forever.

Thanks in advance,
I have this file, and from what I can see, it's just a blank project with
nothing in it. Try creating a new blank project, saving it as EmptyProject.vbproj
and copying it to the folder.
Are you using anything beside English (US)? I saw a post on Microsoft's newsgroup that may help. Here's the relevent snippet:

When I tried to run the wizards in Visual Studio .Net I got errors.
On investigation, I discovered that the scripts were looking for
various resources in 1033 directories. However, the install only
created 2057 directories (these are language IDs). I copied all the
2057 directories to 1033 and this seemed to work - but it looks
like something needs fixing in the install.

If you look in your install directory, far enough down, you'll see the "1033" directories (or whatever number they are for you).

I tried your suggestion VolteFace, turns out I was missing all of the files required for a new project. But it didn't completley solve the problem. Once I generate a brand new app from the wizard I get a slew of errors, many of them syntax errors (13 total). Perhaps the blank project file that it was missing contains markers and other information neccessary for the proper generation of the project.

And Nerseus, I am using the English version and I browsed through my install directory and I did spot various 1033 folders. So I believe that wouldn't be the source of the problem.

Later tonight I'm going to do a fresh full install just to eliminate any errors.

Thanks for the help, guys.

- Andrew
How did you solve this problem finally. I am having the same error, and would like to avoid a reload if at all possible being it takes forever to complete.

