IIS User Authentication


Oct 4, 2005
Ontario Canada
I've been searching for this for a few days now and have had no luck.

I am a classic ASP coder now making the leap into .NET and like all of us who have made the change, I cant find things I used to use.

The most important to me is the Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") to get the user name of the current user. Before I get a spate of replys telling me to use an authentication form or other form of user authentication....I Cant use these for specific reasons. The web applications I am developing are for internal use only. I am under a strict mandate to not use any other form of password other than the network passwords. So everthing that needs a login must be done using the basic authentication in IIS.

So my question is what is the .NET equivalent of Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"), or if this is still valid what am I missing?
PlausiblyDamp said:
Visual Basic:

Jeebus!!!!! That was easy! Thanks!

For the record this is the first post on this question where there was an actual answer to this question. Every other post I've seen either trails of to obscurity with no real answer to the poster or the replys are all telling the poster to use another form of authentication.

Thx Damp. Have a beer (or whatever you enjoy) you've earned it.