IIS 6.0 Authentication issue


Dec 24, 2003
I'm running a Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0, i use SQL Server 2000 for my database. We have a web application written in ASP.Net, as part of our application we have a search screen so that we can search for information in our database. Searches all work great if they are short simple searches. . . but some queries take a long time to return results, and what will happen is IIS will display a Logon window, as if it forgot who you were or something, and asks you to login again, and when you do, nothing happens, it'll either just give you a white screen with no search results, or give you a page not found error 401. Keep in mind, these searches work fine when they only take a few seconds to a minute or two, if they take more than a couple minutes you are almost guaranteed to get this puzzling logon dialog asking you to authenticate again. We are using Windows Authentication in web.config.

Here is the login screen i get presented with, http://s93215136.onlinehome.us/logon.jpg

We used to have this running on an IIS 5.0 web server and never had this issue, the search would return results just fine, no matter how long it took

Anyone have any clue???

Thanks in advance!!
