

Nov 27, 2003
Hello, I use the axwebbrower frames in my application to display various things when a user clicks a button such a .htm pages or images, etc.

anyway, ever since internet explorer 7 was released, i have been having to include this ieframe.dll file in my installation which is a pretty big file.. it nearly doubled my installation program. but if i dont include this file, my users experience errors. is there some other way i can fix this other than to include the .dll file?
Well, distribution rights would be my first concern. Second would be versioning control as this is now commonly a GAC'd assembly and could raise issues with dependency files.

The general consensus is with IE7 the shell was separated from the web browser (Hence why you have to open page in explorer when working with ftp sites)

My suggestion would change your reference to shdocvw.dll instead of ieframe.dll and or require a certain version of IE for the application to run.